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Bone Heat Weighting Failed to Find Solution

Stop whinging ! (complaining all the time).

You have done all this before with the Dragon.

If you would just sit down and watch a weight painting tutorial or two you would know how to sort out this kind of problem already.

I am sure we said the same thing 2 or 3 months ago.

So with that said a little recap :

3 hours ago, VirtualKitten said:

I still cant select a vertex and it tell me what vertex groups are on  or using it

That is because those vertices are not assigned to any vertex group. They have no weighting at all. The clue is when you rotate a bone further up the chain, for example the mShoulderLeft we see that some vertices are left behind.

To illustrate this, in the image below I have rotated the mShoulderLeft upwards (green arrows) and we see the "sharps" or "spikes" as you call them (red arrows). These are vertices that were left behind when rotating that shoulder bone. Left behind because they are not assigned and weighted to any vertex groups. For some reason or other they were not weighted when we parented the mesh to the bones using the Automatic weights option.

How to fix this?

1:  With mShoulderLeft still rotated upwards we look carefully at the mesh around the area where the vertices were left behind and we see that they should move along with (be weighted to) one or other of the two bones that are indicated with pink arrows. ( mHandMiddle1Left and mHandMiddle2Left )


2:  Select the first bone,  mHandMiddle1Left  (pink arrow in next image). Select the Paint brush tool and set the Brush settings as shown (outlined in green).

Tip: when weight paining control the effect (influence) of the brush by having the Weight at a value of 1.000 for adding weight or 0.000 for removing weight. and nothing in between. To vary the influence of the brush vary the Strength value. Normally when weight painting the strength value should be a lot less than 1.000 so that you are adding or removing weights gently, slowly adding/removing influence as needed.

With the brush Weight at 1.000 and the Strength at 1.000 paint over the vertices  that belong to the selected bone (indicated by the pink arrows). they will (should) "magically" pop back into position :)


3:  Select the second bone (mHandMiddle2Left) (pink arrow) and paint over the vertices (orange arrows) that should be weighted to this bone. They to will pop back into position.


Done :)

Unfortunately not 😒

Many of the vertices of the bat belong to more than 4 vertex groups right? but we know that for SL,  4 vertex groups per vertex is the maximum!

You are now using the Avastar addon for Blender which I don't have but I believe there are tools in that box that should be making your life easier and one of them is .......

...........a method to ensure that no vertex is influenced by more than 4 vertex groups. (and also I believe another tool for checking that all vertices belong to at least one vertex group).

So next step for you should be to find out how to apply these tools :) I would imagine it would mean something like selecting the bat and re-parenting again with auto weights but this time ensuring that no vertex is assigned to more than 4 vertex groups.

If after fixing the problematic vertices the model is all over the place because of rotating bones when weight painting you can reset to the original pose again

by : in Pose mode, select all the bones, open the Pose menu > Clear Transforms and choose the All option.


Edited by Aquila Kytori

Bone Heat Weighting Failed to Find Solution
